3 Healthy Breakfast Options with Community Coffee
I’m excited to finally chat some food and nutrition with you today, especially 3 Healthy Breakfast Options with Community Coffee because those are two of my favorite things! If you have been following my Insta-stories lately, you know I’ve been giving my daily meal plans in stories and I’ve gotten lots of great feedback on it. I have slacked a few days but I’m doing my best to get them out daily. If you haven’t realized, breakfast is always on there and always filled with happiness, as it’s my favorite meal of the day! I did realize I forgot to list beverages but, besides coffee, I mainly drink water all day. In the morning, I CANNOT go without my coffee though. A question I get asked often is – “Is it ok to drink coffee?”. Absolutely, I drink coffee daily but it depends on how you drink it!
Most of the time when people ask that, they are going through coffee shop drive throughs getting some sort of sugar filled specialty drink and they don’t know what’s in it! On a daily basis, no, that is not ok! I am a fan of knowing what’s in my beverage so I make my own healthy version; so, not only do I want to give you three healthy breakfast options, but I also want to give you some coffee pairings to go with it!
First, why Community Coffee?
I have been drinking Community Coffee since it was a kid! Ok, to be fair, as a kid, it was “coffee milk” so I could be as cool as the adults but, to me, it was coffee. My dad always had Community Coffee in the house and was so excited when I was asked to do this blog. No joke, he even offered to add his own testimonial lol!
I love that we are supporting local because Community Coffee is based in Baton Rouge, LA. In 1919, “Cap” Saurage discovered his special coffee recipe and named it “Community Coffee” out of appreciation for his community of friends and the customers he served. With the help of his family, Cap Saurage opened a country store to sell coffee and other groceries to his neighbors and, today, four generations later, it is the largest family-owned coffee brand in the United States and they are celebrating 100 years! I’m so honored to be around to see that milestone with a company that has brought me so many great memories!
Side note: During College, I was in nursing school and drank too many unhealthy energy drinks to stay awake to study. I’m definitely not proud of that, especially because it affected my bladder. I couldn’t have caffeine for quite a few years but, to still enjoy Community Coffee, I would drink decaf because I love the taste so much! Now, I’ve eased myself back onto coffee and I do great with it! I keep it to one cup a day, but I’m just grateful to have my coffee again 🙂
Back to the point, Community coffee has a super rich flavor and is always consistent with the taste and quality. The aroma, even from outside of the bag, just makes me immediately want a cup of coffee. In fact, Dean and I set up the coffee pot the night before so we can set the timer for the morning and, when I smell it at night, I get so tempted and can’t wait until the morning lol! Lots of times, the smell of the regular breakfast blend brings back so many great memories of family time and holidays always just putting a smile on my face!
I want you to experience Community Coffee just as I do, so let’s chat three healthy breakfast options with Community Coffee:
Traditional Egg Breakfast
- 2 eggs
- 1 hash brown
- 2 slices of bacon
- Community Coffee Breakfast Blend
- add a little French Vanilla Creamer
- 1 tsp organic sugar (optional)
I love the combination of Community Coffee’s rich taste with the french vanilla creamer! The touch of french vanilla adds that sweet balance for the seasoned breakfast. You can eat the eggs any style but my favorite way to eat this is to cook the hash browns on the skillet until they get a little crispy. Then crack the eggs on top of them and kind of press them together like a mash, and it almost becomes an egg hash brown patty. So delish! Dean cooks them a little better than me, duh, but I’m getting there!
Banana Pancake Breakfast
- 3 bananas
- 3 eggs
- Community Coffee Breakfast Blend
- add a little Hazelnut Creamer
- 1 tsp organic sugar (optional)
If you have never had these pancakes, holy moly, you’re in for a treat! These take a little more time in the morning so it’s kind of a weekend thing if you’re running out of the door in the mornings, but they’re so worth the effort! Use one banana per one egg and mash them together in a bowl. Use a fork to mash, do not use a beater, as it messes up the texture. Once it’s all mashed together and is the same consistency, pour it evenly onto a skillet and cook it like it’s pancake mix! Sometimes Dean and I will add a little pumpkin puree in it if we use a pumpkin spice creamer in the fall months. Otherwise, we use a hazelnut creamer because it compliments the banana pancakes!
Breakfast On-the-go
- Community Coffee Breakfast Blend (or you can also try other flavors)
- 1 scoop of vanilla plant based protein
- 1 tbsp of grass-fed butter
- French Vanilla creamer
- 1 tsp organic sugar (optional)
For those who are on-the-go every morning and don’t have time for breakfast, this is your jam! We actually have it when we aren’t on-the-go sometimes because it’s so delish and easy! Make your coffee as you normally would. In a blender or bullet, put 1 tsp of grass-fed butter, creamer, sugar, and protein. Once the coffee is ready, pour it over these ingredients and blend together. When you blend, use more of a pulse method instead of a constant blend because it can get foamy if you blend to fast. Mainly, you just want to mix the butter and protein. It’s kind of like a breakfast coffee protein shake and the butter and protein are giving you good, healthy fats to start off the day but you still get to enjoy your Community Coffee at the same time! During the cold months, I will sometimes repeat this as another meal later in the day with less butter and protein using Community Coffee decaf because it’s so delish!
Extra notes:
Just so you know, when it comes to my cooking, I am always using the highest (organic) quality of foods with no preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, etc added! I am a stickler for ingredients so keep that in mind when following my meal recommendations!
You can order Community Coffee straight from their website or you can check the store locator if you’re like me and can’t wait!
I hope you are already planning tomorrow mornings breakfast whether you you sit at the table or are on-the-run! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I can never skip it, even if it’s a coffee/protein drink! Comment below if you have any questions and let me know how you like the meals when you try them; and, as always, tag me on Instagram so I can see what you try! Enjoy!
Great choice of coffee.
Love Community!!!
Thanks for sharing…