Leg Workout
Happy Monday, friends! It’s time for some #MotivationMonday! I’ve gotten asked so many workout questions lately and I swore I would start adding fitness back into the blog; so, I am starting off Motivation Monday with my much inquired leg workout!
For some extra fitness shenanigans, in the past I posted a Full Body Core Workout that you can do from anywhere so it’s good for those on the go; and, I also share my favorite homemade smoothie recipe here!
Form is one of the most importation aspects of working out. You can workout all day; but, if you don’t have the correct form, you aren’t doing your muscles any justice. Take it slow and make sure you are focusing on the muscle at hand that you are working out! Since I can’t personally train each of you, if you don’t know correct form, I would definitely advise to meet with a trainer for the basics so you can do these exercises correctly to get the most out of them!
Below I have the name of each workout, any specific tips, and the starting and pausing/stopping position of each move! Enjoy!!!
Sissy Squats
3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions
Start with legs in front of you, slightly bent, about shoulder width apart; then, when you bend to position #2, make sure your legs are creating a 90 degree angle.
Leg Press
3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions
Start with legs slightly bent, then bring knees to your chest.
Dead Lifts
3 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions
Start with legs shoulder width apart and slightly bent. Then, bend forward from the hips using your hamstrings to lift back up.
Leg Extension
3 sets of 15 – 20 repetitions
The slower you move with these, the more you will work the muscle. Don’t speed through them 😉
Leg Curl
3 sets of 15 – 20 repetitions
The slower you move with these, the more you will work the muscle. Don’t speed through them 😉
3 sets of 20 – 25 repetitions
Keep the weight amount low to burn instead of build with these.
3 sets of 20 – 25 repetitions
Keep the weight amount low to burn instead of build with these.
Calf Press
4 sets of 18 – 20 repetitions
Make sure to start with your feet flexed as much as possible; then, get on your toes as much as possible.
Lastly, I finished off with two miles doing the Leg Sculpt workout setting on the Precor Elliptical machine. I don’t always do this; but, if I have time, I like to add in some toning cardio.
Let me know how you all enjoyed this fitness snippet and I will continue to add more along with nutrition and vitamin info coming soon! Special thanks to Chronos Fitness Center for always letting Dean and I have fun and document our workouts.
If you have specific questions, feel free to contact me, comment below, or comment/DM on Instagram!
Michelle West
written by: Michelle West
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