Well, hellooooo!!!! I promised an updated skin care routine blog post this week and I didn’t deliver! My apologies, I’m running way behind because it’s been a few days over here at the West house! Instead, this will be a quick life update so I can explain why I’m so late and, no, we are not pregnant 😆😅.
Happy Mother’s Day
On that note, before I get into life matters, Happy Mother’s Day to ALL the mamas! Motherhood is hard but also so rewarding! This was the first year Charli handed me a card and was able to clearly say “Happy Mother’s Day, Mama” and my heart melted! Of course, I cried lol! I also know Mother’s Day can be a rough occasion for some and, if that is you, I see you and I am sending you my love and hugs!

Life Update
Now for the life update! First, we had a few rough nights of sleep because Charli woke up for like three hours in the middle of the night one night so I didn’t actually get to bed till like 6am. I can usually deal with it and power through but my period started as well and I slacked on my vitamins so I was exhausted!!! That one took a toll on me but we caught up and made it through!
During all of that, we had the plumbing and A/C issue that I chatted about in my last blog post! Still waiting for the hot water heater to get replaced 😅.
THEN, last week we discovered termites!!! Yes, I cried frustration! Long story short, the product that was used to treat the house before we moved in (in 2010) expired at the 10 year mark! Once we were told this, we kept getting delayed to get the house treated again. We ended up seeing a little trail, got that treated, and thought they were gone! Then, we got the contract renewed and the whole house treated in October! It was supposed to get done earlier but got pushed back because of Hurricane Ida. Last week, we saw a few spots again (mind blown) so they are coming out this week for another treatment!

Renovate + Remodel?
With all that said, we have been debating for a while whether to remodel or just sell but we kept going back-and-forth between the market changes combined with pandemic life the past few years! To find the silver lining, we are looking at it as this is our sign to do a full house remodel! We’ll still sell after but the remodel is now a necessity before that. It’s the best option with the market right now as well as the area we live in because we would only benefit from remodeling. Unless there’s an apocalypse but then we’re all screwed lol so we’re going for it. 
Sooooo get ready for some home and renovation content coming up in the mix too! But, don’t worry, I’ll still be doing my regular fashion content for sure. Reno probably won’t start until end of June but I’ll keep you updated!
Next up…
I’ll work on the skin care blog for next week and I have one more self-tanner to try this week before I compile that post so stay tuned! Oh and I will have a Father’s Day gift guide as well as a shop page coming up. I’ll design it how I did for Mother’s Day because that was super helpful! I appreciate your patience while I navigate mom life and homeowner drama and thanks for basically letting me vent! 😆
Wish me luck for the exterminator tomorrow and we’ll chat soon!
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