Hello, friend! Coming at ya at 11pm now that Charli is finally out for the night. She was out before this so don’t judge me 😆. It’s been an early wake up and short nap kinda day over here with a broken A/C lol! It’s been fun! Since it’s late, I’ll cut to the chase! I am always raving about the LTK app and I finally shot a little tutorial explaining how to use it, what each section means, perks, bonuses, etc. Oh and just to clarify the app is completely free so there’s nothing to lose! I split the video up into sections that I’ll explain below for you!
Why LTK App
I want to give you details about the LTK app for two reasons! First of all, if you shop from my Shop My LTK page, that is exactly what is on the app! Anything and everything I style and link will go there first. I make a small commission when you shop my blog or the app so I super appreciate your support. It compensates me for the time of styling, shooting, editing, uploading, posting, etc. You make this worth it for me and I thank you deeply for that!
BUT the second and main reason I want to tell you about the LTK App is because there are benefits and perks for you as well! In order for me to post on any of my social media sites or blog, I have to upload and post there first in order to create the links so you will get first dibs on anything that I link to. My Shop My LTK page only allows a certain number of posts. The LTK app has anything I’ve posted from day one on LTK and it’s all searchable! This can all be found on my LTK profile so instead of getting in to deep typing, I’ll let you watch this video:
How the LTK app works:
My absolute favorite part about the app is that if you are not ready to shop a certain product you can “favorite” it and you can even make albums for your favorites. Then, when the item goes on sale, you will get a notification from the app (as long as you have your notifications turned on). This makes holiday shopping and gift giving so much easier because you can favorite something, then get it when it goes on sale. So it helps you save money too, esp during holiday season! Basically, you get to keep your shopping organized, which is why I always say it really is a game changer for shopping!
Collections + Searches
Also, you can shop specific “collections” on my home page if you are looking for something specific. I’m constantly updating my collections so let me know in the comments below if you would like a certain one and I can always create something! You can also search through my shop page for any item that I’ve ever posted. So if you were looking for white boots, you can type that in the search bar of my page, and it will bring up any outfit with white boots that I have ever posted. So convenient!
Can I see link purchases
For the disclaimer, I cannot see who purchases from my links or what you buy unless you tag me on Instagram, which I love! The only thing I can see is what link was used but that does’t even mean you purchased that item. It just means that you used my link to get to that website, which, again, I truly appreciate from the bottom of my heart!
LTK App Perks/Bonuses + Gift Guides
It gets even better!! A few times a year, some retailers will do certain discounts and sales only if you shop through the app! They always give us a heads up so I start chatting about it early and will include it in my newsletters from now on. The sale is always worth it though. Even better, during the sale, it will have an “LTK Sale” banner on any photo that contains exclusive sale items/retailers. They make it super easy for you! I have a pic at the end of the video below that shows that! Oh and for each holiday or special occasion, I create gift guides and you can shop those on the app too. I promise, it’s a one stop shop!
Trust me, I know, another app! But this one isn’t a “social media” app that you have to grow (unless you’re the blogger lol). You just follow the influencers/bloggers that you want to follow and have fun shopping. It’s basically just a better version of Pinterest in terms of outfits and beauty. Not knocking Pinterest at all because I still love it and use it constantly, esp for dessert recipes! I hope this helps you understand the app a little better if you weren’t familiar with it. I also hope this ends up saving you money when you get sale alerts. Love that feature :).
In May, I have my self-tanner review post coming up and an updated skin care routine post. Stay tuned! Don’t worry, I’ll have some fashion posts mixed in! Until next time,
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