Happy Wednesday! I have a fun SHEIN try-on to share with you today! It’s not sponsored, I’m just here to give you my honest opinion! First, sorry I’m a little late this week! It has been quite weekend!
In short, our hot water heater was leaking and we had a drippy faucet so I used our home warranty to schedule a plumber. He apparently “fixed it”. That night, Charli and I went to take a bath and the water pressure was low so I turned it off and it started gushing … strange. It wouldn’t shut off at all so we had to turn the water off to the house to stop it for the entire weekend. I’m not going to bad mouth the company that messed it up, but I will praise Kevin from Anywhere Plumbing who was a freaking hero today and fixed the issue so we officially have water again! Whew! Side note: never did I think I’d be chatting a good plumber on my blog and we are!
Anyway, now that life is back to normal over here, I can share my recent SHEIN try-on and details with you. I recently placed a big order from them and I’m here to give you my honest opinion on not only the pieces I chose, but also shopping at SHEIN in general along with some tips to save you time and money.
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Oh wait …
Before I get into SHEIN detail! In the midst of all that this weekend, we took Charli to the Garth Brooks concert with us and, wow, did she have a blast. Fun Fact, he’s my favorite artist of all time! I was super nervous that she wasn’t going to like it and it was going to be too loud. I worried for nothing. She was dancing and clapping and having a grand ole time so my mama heart is super happy!
Before you think I’m crazy, she was originally staying with my parents but my mom’s reunion got moved to the same night. That’s the only other person Charli will stay with right now, so it was either we sell the tickets or take her. I’m so glad she came because we loved having her and I feel like she will remember this! And who better to start her concert attendance with than the legend, Garth Brooks! We couldn’t get her to stay still long enough for a pic so this is what we get :).
Speaking of moms, Mother’s Day is next weekend and I have a detailed blog post as well as a shop page if you need any help shopping for a loved one!
SHEIN – Worth It or Not?
Ok, back to SHEIN! When I took a poll on Instagram of options for try-on hauls, SHEIN was a high request and I totally get it. I’ve shopped there for a while and while I’ve kept a lot from them, I’ve also returned a lot too. The quality is hit or miss so I don’t usually buy things like denim or swimsuits from them because I’m very picky on the fit of those. I actually bought matching swimsuits from SHEIN for me, Charli, and Dean last year and didn’t like them at all. We kept them for a family pic but never wore them again lol.
Side note, in terms of matching, I did just get a really good “Mommy and Me” order from a favorite online boutique for Charli and I so I will share that soon 🙂
What to look for?
In terms of things I do look for at SHEIN, it’s usually pieces such as sets, dresses, trending tops, or things that I will probably only wear once or twice. Oh, and dupes, they always have some good dupes. They have an easy return policy so that does make it convenient to know you can easily send back what you don’t like.
Shop this look here:
Shop this look here:
I RARELY shop at SHEIN for closet staples, like casual wardrobe pieces, that I want to last a long time. If you’re not familiar with capsule wardrobe pieces, it’s pieces like a black blazer, black slacks, a white cami, etc. Things that are classics that will never age of out of style and pieces that you can use to make multiple outfits but it never looks like the same outfit.
To give an example, if you missed my blog post about my favorite Ivory Leather Pants, those are a closet staple that I was willing to splurge on. SHEIN did have a version of those pants as well but the quality wasn’t great for a closet staple!
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The main thing you have to be careful with is quality when it comes to SHEIN. The main disclaimer is that they usually don’t have any lining in their pieces, which isn’t always a bad thing. For instance, this mocha silk set, that I also ordered in teal, doesn’t really need any lining. I usually aim for pieces that I know would be fine without lining. However, this yellow set, that was a fail, would definitely need to be lined.
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Shop this look here:
Let’s also take this look below, for example, because I love it so much I ordered the pants in purple too! The shoulder pad top is a trend. It’s one that love but still a trend. I don’t want to spend a lot on a statement t-shirt that I will only wear once or twice. This tee is $10 at SHEIN, which is totally worth it. I’ve seen it upwards of $50+, which I wouldn’t spend for a tee. I have a toddler so I’m like “hold up, that’s a month of diapers” lol. Same for the pants. At SHEIN, they’re $14 and other places they’re $50+. Now, SHEIN’s version isn’t lined but if you wear nude undergarments with them, you’re good!
Shop this look here:
Shop this look here:
Fav Joggers from SHEIN
The most worn item I have from SHEIN is a pair of black distressed joggers. By distressed I just mean a knee slit that’s sewn so they have lasted me a very long time. I got them in black and olive and I think I’ve have them for about five years now. I’ve worn them so much that I’ve worn another hole in them and had my mom resew a seam so my post-baby but could wear them. Needless to say, I hope they bring them back one day or I’ll create something like it in a collection eventually.
Although I haven’t purchased any other joggers from them, if I had to base it on these, I give them a thumbs up in the jogger department. Unfortunately, I can’t link these since they’re so old but if they ever bring them back, I’ll definitely let you know! But I will link my top and shoes (not from SHEIN)!
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SHEIN Size Chart
As far as the size chart for SHEIN, it is usually pretty accurate. However, for each item, it is different! Therefore, when you shop with them, check each item to make sure you’re ordering the correct size. If you’re ordering from your phone, tap the size and the measurements will pop up under it. If you’re using a computer, just move the mouse over the size and the sizes will pop up. Every now and then, something isn’t accurate but, like I said, they have easy returns if that’s the case. Speaking of a fail or two that wasn’t accurate (photo below). The yellow wasn’t accurate at all, as it ended up being a little snug and way too short. The blue, however, was accurate on the size but I just didn’t like the style and fit on me.
Shop this look here (just because they didn’t work for me doesn’t mean they would’t work for you):
Shipping + Discounts
Shipping isn’t bad! My last order took about 10-12 days to arrive. I mean, it’s not like if you order from a U.S. based company but it doesn’t take too long. You can pay for faster shipping but I just do the free shipping because it’s an option based on how much you spend. Also, they AWAYS have discount codes on their home page and they have them as an option at checkout too so never pay full price! Usually the more you spend, the more you save!
Worth It? Yes!
In conclusion (what is this a college essay lol), I am a fan of SHEIN and will continue to shop with them. I will probably still return a lot but the pieces that do work out are worth it for the price. I know and understand that they are considered “fast fashion” but I have a family and a mortgage so I need to save where I can and I know a lot of people are in that same situation, esp with the hit we all took from the pandemic.
If you’ve never heard of SHEIN, I hope you found a new little outlet that may save you some money. If you are already a SHEIN lover, feel free to drop any more tips in the comments. And if this isn’t your vibe, I totally understand that too :).
Stay tuned for my next blog post because it will be an updated skin care routine with details on each product. And my self-tanner review will be coming up at the end of May. I pushed it back a little because shipping was late and that whole plumber situation I explained earlier lol! Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter if you’re not already so you don’t miss it. I don’t spam, I only send out two a month!
Until next time … XOXO,
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