The Mystery
In the midst of feeling “off” back in early April, I, soon after, stumbled upon Infinite Health Integrative Medicine Center and their brilliant doctor, Dr. Goolsby. Little did I know, this encounter marked the beginning of an unexpected health journey. First, I’ll explain how I got here, and then I’ll give you all the details about Dr. Goolsby (aka Super-doctor-hero). The initial symptoms were mild anxiety and fear longing for an increased desire for company whenever I went out. I’d ask Dean or my mom to accompany me, even for small errands, something entirely out of character for me. I mean, I always enjoy company, but I was finding that I felt safer with someone by my side. I attributed it to stress and thought it would pass, but it persisted, becoming more and more noticeable as time went on.
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The Stress Stands Out
One particular day, my parents took some of the grandkids to the jump place so I was taking Charli to meet her cousins, and the anxiety intensified during the drive. I called Dean for comfort, and we realized panic attacks were a growing concern. I was worried about my safety and the safety of my daughter if something were to happen while driving because I would sometimes get a little dizzy during the panic attacks. Since this, I was scared to drive alone or just with me and Charli.
During this time, life was brimming with additional stressors. Our home was undergoing an unexpected (but necessary) remodel due to termite damage, adding some chaos to our already busy lives with a toddler, and a non-stop work from home schedule. The remodeling expenses were piling up, surpassing what we had budgeted, and preparing for a perfect surprise 50th-anniversary party for my parents weighed heavily on my mind. (Side note, BIG congrats to them). Icing on the cake, I just finished breastfeeding Charli about three months prior, which is a common precursor for thyroid issues.
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My Feels – Raw and Unfiltered
The accumulating stress took a toll on my health, leaving me constantly nauseous and drained of energy for a few weeks. At one point, we even considered the possibility of pregnancy, but tests came back negative. Feeling desperate for answers, I called my OBGYN, who had seen me just a few days before this started without any concerning findings. They ran some blood tests, but everything appeared normal. However, I knew deep down that something was wrong, and the mounting anxiety and daily tears until late afternoon only confirmed it. They suggested antidepressants, but I was hesitant to go down that path.
I firmly believed there was an underlying cause, and I wanted to explore other options before turning to medications with potential long-term side effects. My OBGYN did prescribe a progesterone prescription, which they often recommend for moms experiencing postpartum depression who prefer not to use antidepressants. Unfortunately, it left me feeling like a zombie, devoid of energy, and in tears throughout the day. Needless to say, that was the only day I took it because I didn’t want to feel that again!
My mind was filled with overwhelming thoughts and fears:
- Will I even wake up tomorrow?
- Am I going to make it out of this?
- I am a terrible mom (because I wasn’t even able to play with Charli or spend time with her, and Dean was having to do everything).
- I failed my health.
- My little girl is only three, and I need to get out of this.
- If I pass out, what about Charli?
- What if I am not here for Charli?
- If I don’t make it, will Charli know how much I love her? She’s so young, will she remember me?
- I am scared to be alone.
- I am a burden because everyone is having to revolve their lives around me. (Now, feeling better, I look at it as I am so freaking lucky to have a support group that revolves their lives around me and my daughter to assure that we are safe and feel safe!)
These thoughts were consuming and terrifying. I felt like I was spiraling, unsure of where these thoughts were coming from because they were not, at all, a reflection of me. I did openly talk to Dean and my mom about them because I felt a little crazy and that was very helpful. If you ever feel these thoughts, regardless of the cause, I highly suggest talking about it with a person you feel safe with!
The Solution Begins
Determined to find a more suitable solution, I began my quest for answers and stumbled upon Infinite Health Integrative Medicine Center through a conversation Dean had on Facebook. A phone chat with LeNae Goolsby, Dr. Goolsby’s wife and business partner, filled me with hope; her care, compassion, and determination to help me feel like myself again made me feel incredibly safe and understood.
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My Consultation with Dr. Goolsby
When I finally got into Dr. Goolsby’s office, he first asked, “What can I do for you?” and I burst into tears (funny but not). Dean said I didn’t cry the whole time, but I’m pretty sure I did. So Dean started for me, and I filled in the gaps. For the first time, since feeling like this, I felt heard by a doctor. He also knew there was a root cause and wanted to be on my team to help me figure it out and get back to myself again. Honestly, he could tell just from our first meeting that I wasn’t myself. With an integrative medicine approach, he uses mind and body techniques to alleviate pain, not “manage” it. He’s not a fan of the term “pain management,” so I knew we were going to be a great team moving forward!
Dr. Goolsby’s compassionate approach and attentive listening made me feel safe and understood. After sharing my experiences, he ordered extensive blood tests, considering different points in my menstrual cycle to assess my hormone levels. Through these tests, he identified that my thyroid function was suboptimal. While my levels were still within the normal range, they were not optimal for my body. He also discovered an iodine deficiency, high cholesterol, and low testosterone levels.
On the road to recovery
The road to recovery has been a challenging one, but with Dr. Goolsby’s guidance, we adjusted my medications and addressed dietary factors that were affecting my thyroid function and emotional state. Progress has been slow, but that’s necessary when dealing with thyroid issues! Thankfully, I’m beginning to see positive changes. My food intake, daily temperatures, and other vital signs are meticulously monitored, allowing us to tailor my treatment plan effectively. Through my morning temperatures alone, he was able to tell that we need to double my medicine so far, and it looks like we may need another increase. Additionally, my emotional state showed him that we needed to increase my testosterone.
Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, while I’m not entirely back to my old self yet, I’m feeling more optimistic and hopeful. In fact, I drove with Charli (just her and I) for the first time in months last week! In addition, we just returned from a beach vacation that I would have declined a month or so prior, which is definite validity that I wasn’t feeling myself. The beach is my happy place!
Armed with Dr. Goolsby’s expertise, his insightful book, Think & Live Longer, and a comprehensive health and fitness plan, I know I’m on the path to recovery. Charli and I recently created a vision board, an activity assigned in his book, a symbol of the positive change I’m striving for. I still face challenges, but I’m confident that with patience and determination, I will regain my vitality and fully embrace life again. For the record, photos are highlight reels! I don’t have pics from my lowest points because that’s the last thing on my mind at that time. However, ugly crying, crocodile tears, panic, and exhaustion were present and if you feel that, you are NOT alone!
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I have a follow-up this week, so I will definitely give an update on Instagram stories, but after a few more follow-ups and upon completion of the book, I will follow up with another detailed blog post to update here as well because I know I will be feeling more like myself, and I cannot wait! In fact, at my recent follow up, Dr. Goolsby mentioned that I am a completely different person than who he met in the first appointment :). Small victories!
For a disclaimer, Dr. Goolsby (or his practice) is not paying me for this! When I chatted about it, I wanted to continue sharing it because so many people had reached out feeling the same way! I never realized how common thyroid issues are OR how debilitating they can be until experiencing it! If you have these feelings, please seek help, and I highly suggest Dr. Goolsby. He does virtual appointments and takes insurance, so your location is not an issue! In fact, I’ve done a few of my appointments virtually with him, and they were great! Everyone in the office is a delight, and I’ve never been more happy with my general practitioner than I am with Infinite Health Integrative Medicine Center!
My next post will probably be back to some fashion or beauty updates and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with another health update! Comment below if there are any specifics that you would like me to share in the next one, for example, exercise regimen, food plan, etc.!
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Thank you so much for sharing all of this! I’m in a similar boat right now with thyroid issues and very intense anxiety, and this post was super helpful!
Since Hypothyroidism causes fatigue and sluggishness or getting an eye-shut, it is recommended to take enough sleep to level up your energy levels. Apart from this, it is recommended to get enough fresh air by going outdoor and indulging in some outdoor activities.