Top 7 Baby apps every Mom needs
Well, hello there! After an unintentional 8 month hiatus, it is good to be back and open up my blog. Not gonna lie, when I first opened it, it was a hot mess so I had to call my graphic designer and have her do a glow up. She rocked it and I am glad to be back. As far as my hiatus, all is good, just getting used to new mom life over here and it took a little longer than expected. Plus, with Covid, it gave us a chance to soak up every moment with Charli and not miss any of her milestones, which has beens so sweet. It also allowed us to live and breathe getting Charli on a sleep schedule which has been a process lol. I’ll have to do separate blogs to update on that and nursing but I feel like I am finally getting a chance to catch up on things. I’m still working from home so I’ll be able to keep her on a good schedule. We just have my mom coming at least twice a week to hang with her so I can get some stuff done. But the whole reason I’m here is to fill in all the Mamas on my favorite apps that we have used as parents and, speaking of sleep, I’m starting off the list of the Top 7 Baby apps for Moms with the one that helped us tackle that challenge!
This app has been a lifesaver for us!!! Long story short, Charli was a colicky baby (hence my hiatus) so, when going through that stage, we were so desperate for sleep that we would do whatever it took. For example, we would literally do squats and lunges to get her to sleep, which is why she doesn’t know how to soothe herself to sleep. We discovered wake windows which was a big help but we were still struggling, so we tried a few sleep consultants and nothing worked. I thought, at this point, why not give an app a try, esp because I have a friend that highly recommended it. Plus, initially, it’s free so I had nothing to lose! The “sweet spot” helped so much with naps that I had to try an upgrade. The upgrade is only $15/month and you get a very detailed analysis and plan from a certified sleep consultant after submitting a questionnaire and info about your baby’s sleep, habits, etc. This is not sponsored but I do have a referral link for $5 off! This has been a game changer for us! Of course, we still have some rough nights here and there, esp during teething, but, for the most part, I wish I would have had this during the newborn stage!
Baby Monitor
We discovered this app on accident and we’re so glad we did! We were gifted a baby monitor but, honestly, it was so complicated and we couldn’t get it to stay connected to the WiFi. Colic and technology frustration don’t mix well lol so Dean ended up finding the Baby Monitor app and as long as you have two cell phones, you’re set. A tripod helps too so you can set it up easier. But one phone is the baby camera and the other is parent camera. You can adjust the settings to alert you for noise and/or movement. And, best part, it’s free! It doesn’t have night vision but we never keep it pitch black anyway so that’s the only thing to consider if you do. Even if you have a great monitor, this is something to have in case baby naps on the go or at a family/friend’s place.
This app is the best for saving memories and milestones! I didn’t discover it until Charli was six months old but I’m going to backlog all the way to pregnancy because I have everything noted but, wow, I wish I would have known about this when we found out we were pregnant! This is a must have and it’s free! They, of course, have upgrades available and we did upgrade. It’s $50/year and sooooo worth it! It tests you questions each day based on your baby’s age and the time of the year. And on the upgraded plan, you can get it made into a baby book that you can organize and and choose what is included! Such a cool feature and worth the money. Also, you can send a weekly newsletter to family and friends to share the photos and questions you submitted that week! I highly recommend this app even if you do a traditional baby book! I’m doing both because this is so much more detailed with a lot more pics and, like I said, you can decide what does and doesn’t go in the book. Also, I have a referral code for this too! Not sponsored, just a referral 🙂
Wonder Weeks
This app is a huge help for mental leaps and growth spurts! It gives you an alert when your baby is about to approach a mental leap and it will tell you the possibilities of behavior that will occur as well. It will also tell you approximately how long they will last and give you tips on getting through it. But the really cool feature is that it tells you HOW your child develops through each leap, for instance it explains relationships, brain development, etc. It’s a big help in understand what your little one is going through. Of course every child is different and may enter the leap a few days before or after but it’s good to have a idea when baby is fussy or has changes in sleep pattern because, let’s be real, we all need the sleep! You can also fill out growth, memories, and milestones in this app as well but I don’t use that feature since I’m keeping everything in Qeepsake.
The Bump
I actually recommend this more for during pregnancy but it’s also great for after pregnancy. During pregnancy, it keeps up with baby’s weekly development and gives you all the details not only on how your baby is growing but also how your body is changing and what you may experience. Plus, it has lots of helpful articles for preparing for baby on the way, like when you should pack your hospital bag, hormonal changes, things you need for baby, etc. After pregnancy, it keeps up with baby’s age and gives tips on what to expect along with lots of informational articles.
What To Expect
I didn’t use this app much because it’s very similar to The Bump app that I mentioned above but I still had it and would refer to it from time to time. It keeps up with baby’s growth and development and has lots of helpful articles as well. I just liked the setup of The Bump a little better but this is still a great app and it’s free so it’s worth having!
I searched a lot for picture taking apps because it was soooo hard to get photos those first few months, esp during colic! We had alllll the props but, wow, it was tough lol! We’ve made up for it since because we have a little camera hog on our hands now. However, I would have loved to know about this app then. It’s especially beneficial if you don’t have the means for a photog or to do the photos yourself! But if you want regular pics, my best advice – make sure to get newborn photos in the first two weeks because, after that, it’s soooo hard! And until about 3 or 4 months old, get them while they’re sleeping or just after eating lol! And always do them laying down until they can sit up on their own because it’s so much easier!
Contraction Tracker
Throwing in this bonus in case you missed Charli’s Birth Story blog post but, if you’re prego, it’s a must have! This app was my key to go to the hospital when I was in labor. It’s exactly what it says, a contraction tracker. It will give you updates on when you should get ready, when to pack up, and when to go to the hospital. Obviously if you have concerns or emergencies, head to the hospital but if all is on track, this app is super helpful! Speaking of, I have a very details blog post, Hospital Bag Essentials, to help you pack for your hospital stay with baby!
I hope these apps help you and bring you the same ease that they brought me. If you have any apps that have helped you that I don’t know about, feel free to list them below for both me and our visitors! Stay tuned for Charli’s favorite toys and something that I would have done different as a new mom.
Recent Blogs:
Charli West’s Birth Story | Hospital Bag Essentials | Makeup Tutorials
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